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Breast Reduction in Akron, OH

Women with overly large breasts often wonder why they are envied because they suffer from back or neck problems as a result. Relieving discomfort and increasing one’s range of motion may require the breasts be reduced in size. Fortunately, patients in the Akron, Cleveland and Canton areas know where to turn: Dr. Steven Carp of Carp Cosmetic Surgery Center in Green and Beachwood, OH.

Breast reduction surgery performed by Dr. Carp not only helps large breasted women feel better physically, but it also helps them restore their self-confidence.

Back and neck pain along with other symptoms such as bra strap grooving and irritation or infections under the breast are common problems women with larger breasts confront daily. Procedures to reduce breast size will reduce the volume and weight of a woman’s breasts, while at the same time reshaping them, giving them a more youthful appearance. In certain circumstances, health insurance may cover the cost of breast reduction surgery.

The Best Candidates for Breast Reduction Surgery

Most reduction surgery is performed on women, who because of their breast size, find their mobility restricted and experience physical discomfort, as opposed to being performed for purely cosmetic reasons.

In the majority of situations, reduction surgery will not be performed until a woman’s breasts are fully developed. There are situations where the procedure may be performed earlier if a woman is experiencing severe physical discomfort as a result of her breast size. It is best for a candidate for breast reduction surgery to be old enough and mature enough to know what the procedure will entail and to have a realistic idea about the end result. This procedure is not recommended for women who plan on breastfeeding in the future.

Breast Reduction in Akron, OH

Planning Your Breast Reduction Surgery

During your first visit, Dr. Carp will examine and take measurements of your breasts. Afterward, photographs will be taken that will later be used for reference during surgery and also may be used for processing insurance coverage. Next, Dr. Carp will discuss variables that will play a factor in your procedure, such as your age, the shape of your breasts, their size, and the health and condition of your skin. It is important to talk about where your nipples and areolas will be positioned. They will move to a position slightly higher than where they were before the procedure. The goal is for them to sit even with the crease beneath your breast.

Many insurance companies will pay for a breast reduction procedure if it is medically necessary; however, they may require that a certain percentage of breast tissue be removed. For this reason, it is a good idea to review your insurance policy and have Dr. Carp write a predetermination letter if this is required.

Preparing for Your Breast Reduction Surgery

Dr. Carp may want you to have a mammogram or breast x-ray done prior to surgery. He will also provide you with clear instructions on the steps you will need to take to prepare for surgery. These will include stipulations on the things that you can eat and drink, on smoking, and on vitamins and medicines you should avoid or take. Dr. Carp may recommend that the patient go on a diet prior to the procedure.

In most cases, breast reduction surgery does not require blood transfusions. However, in circumstances where large amounts of breast tissue are removed, Dr. Carp may recommend having a unit of blood set aside ahead of time so that if transfusions are required, your own blood could be used. This is a rare occurrence.

When making plans for surgery, be sure to make arrangements for someone to drive you home and help you for a few days afterward if needed.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

There are different techniques for breast reduction. One common procedure uses an anchor-shaped incision that goes around the areola and continues downward, following the natural curvature of the crease under the breast. During the procedure, Dr. Carp will remove excess glandular tissue, skin, and fat. The nipple and areola will be transitioned to their new position. Next, the skin from both sides of the breast will be brought down around the areola to form the new contour of the breast. Excess fat in the armpit area may also be removed using liposuction.

In the majority of cases, nipples are not detached from blood vessels and nerves. However, in situations where the breasts are extremely large or pendulous, the nipples and areola may have to be completely removed and grafted into a higher position. This will result in a loss of sensation in the nipple and areola tissue.

Usually, stitches are placed around the areola in a vertical line that travels downwards and along the lower crease of the breast. Techniques are available in some circumstances that eliminate the vertical part of the scar. When fat needs to be removed, a patient may only require liposuction to reduce the breast size, thereby minimizing scarring.

After Breast Reduction Surgery

After surgery has been performed, you will be wrapped in an elastic bandage. This surgical bra will be placed over a gauze dressing. Small tubes will be inserted in each breast to drain off any excess fluids for the first few days.

You should expect to feel some discomfort for the first couple of days after surgery, especially when you move and cough. There will be residual discomfort for a week or more. Dr. Carp will give you prescription medicines to minimize the discomfort.

A few days after your surgery, the bandages will be removed. However, you will still wear the surgical bra 24 hours a day for multiple weeks until the majority of the bruising and swelling has subsided. One to three weeks after the procedure, the stitches will be removed.

Moisturizer can be applied multiple times a day to your breasts if the skin is very dry after surgery. Remember to keep the suture area dry.

Following surgery, your first menstruation may lead to breast swelling and discomfort. It is reasonable to expect some loss of feeling in your nipples and the skin of your breast. This is a result of the swelling after surgery. Usually, this loss of sensation fades over six weeks. In some instances, it may take a year or more for complete sensation to return. For some individuals, the loss of sensation may not return.

Types of Anesthesia

Breast reduction procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia. This means that the patient will sleep through the entire process.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

There are different techniques for breast reduction. One common procedure uses an anchor-shaped incision that goes around the areola and continues downward, following the natural curvature of the crease under the breast. During the procedure, Dr. Carp will remove excess glandular tissue, skin, and fat. The nipple and areola will be transitioned to their new position. Next, the skin from both sides of the breast will be brought down around the areola to form the new contour of the breast. Excess fat in the armpit area may also be removed using liposuction.

In the majority of cases, nipples are not detached from blood vessels and nerves. However, in situations where the breasts are extremely large or pendulous, the nipples and areola may have to be completely removed and grafted into a higher position. This will result in a loss of sensation in the nipple and areola tissue.

Usually, stitches are placed around the areola in a vertical line that travels downwards and along the lower crease of the breast. Techniques are available in some circumstances that eliminate the vertical part of the scar. When fat needs to be removed, a patient may only require liposuction to reduce the breast size, thereby minimizing scarring.

Getting Back to Normal

After a day or two, it is likely that you will be up and about. However, you will still experience an occasional ache in your breasts for a couple of weeks. It is recommended that you avoid lifting or pushing heavy things for 3 to 4 weeks.

Dr. Carp will give you guidance on when you can resume normal activities. Most women are able to return back to work and normal social activities in about two weeks, as long as those activities are not exceedingly strenuous. You should expect your stamina to be reduced for a few weeks, and it is recommended that you limit exercising, bending, stretching, and swimming until your energy levels have returned to normal. It is also recommended that you purchase a high-quality athletic bra for support.

Dr. Carp may instruct you to avoid sexual activities for a week or more. Avoid anything but gentle contact with your breasts for approximately six weeks.

It is normal to experience some fluid draining around the wound and some crusting. However, if you experience severe symptoms, please call Dr. Carp immediately.

Your New Look

Much of the swelling and bruising will disappear during the first few weeks. However, it may take between six months to a year for your breasts to fully settle into a new shape. That being said, your breasts will experience fluctuations in shape in response to your weight changes, shifts in hormones, and pregnancy.

While Dr. Carp will use all of his skill to make the scars as unnoticeable as possible, remember that breast reduction scars will remain and can be extensive. In the months following surgery, they are often red and lumpy, and over time they gradually begin to fade into thin white lines.

Out of all the plastic surgery procedures available, breast reduction will result in the quickest change to your body image. The physical discomfort associated with large breasts will disappear. Your body will have a more proportioned appearance, and your clothes will fit you better.

Remember, it will take time for both you and the people closest to you to adjust to your new image. Be patient with yourself and be patient with them. Remember why you chose to have this procedure. If you do, then like the majority of women, you will be happy with the results.


“The whole staff at Dr. Carps office was excellent. Very attentive, professional, and kind. They do everything to make your experience more comfortable. Dr. Carp did a great job on my breast augmentation and lift. Next day I barely have any pain.
Thank you!!” – Heidy M.

If you live in or around Akron, Cleveland or Canton and regularly experience back and neck problems and have been told it is due to large breasts, there’s no need to suffer any longer. Take steps to eliminate your discomfort by contacting us to schedule a breast reduction consultation with Dr. Steven Carp of Carp Cosmetic Surgery Center in Green or Beachwood, OH.